Website powered by
Yannick Castaing
making stuff at Ubisoft Animation Studio
Home page
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Magica Voxel
CG works
The Red Tale
Painting Works
Magicavoxel - Stormy clouds
Mushroomed stump
Hollow Knight
The Red Tale - Orange
The Red Tale - Grappes bunch
The Red Tale - Grappes
The Red Tale - Grappear
The Red Tale - Pear
The Red Tale - Apple
Journey into space - Mars
Smuggler's lair
Pyramid probe
Substance Designer - Tiles
Substance Designer - Cobblestones
Substance Designer - Planks research
Substance Designer - Old Slates
Loto Illumination - Characters
Loto Illumination - Houses
Robot 8000
Might and Magic 7 - Opening
NeoFrag Show - Hushi
NeoFrag Show - Jewel
Neofrag Show - the Ring
Synthetic Scales
NeoFrag Show - Vapor
NeoFrag Show - Tesla
NeoFrag Show - Tetranod
NeoFrag Show - Logo
6 sided dice
8 sided dice
4 Sides Dice
20 sided dices
MeetMat17-Robotic Golem
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