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Yannick Castaing
making stuff at Ubisoft Animation Studio
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Magica Voxel
CG works
The Red Tale
Painting Works
Magicavoxel - "One room 2020"
Magicavoxel - Stormy clouds
Magicavoxel - Futuristic city
Magicavoxel - Pagan cathedral
Mushroomed stump
Hollow Knight
Medieval town
Journey into space - Pluto
Halloween tale
Journey into space - Mars
Journey into space - Moon
Smuggler's lair
Pyramid probe
The Red Tale - Pomelox
The Red Tale - Orange
The Red Tale - Grappes bunch
The Red Tale - Grappes
The Red Tale - Grappear
The Red Tale - Pear
The Red Tale - Apple
Substance Designer - Tiles
MagicaVoxel - Niight Town
Substance Designer - Cobblestones
Magicavoxel - Egyptian Temple
Substance Designer - Planks research
Magicavoxel - Ice and Fire
Substance Designer - Old Slates
Magicavoxel - Beast's curse
Loto Illumination - Characters
Magicavoxel - Old Treant
Synthetic Scales
Magicavoxel - Haunted Castle
Loto Illumination - Houses
Magicavoxel - Glass Tower
Robot 8000
Magicavoxel - Volcano
Might and Magic 7 - Opening
Magiavoxel - Nessy
Magicavoxel - Lighning strike
MagicaVoxel - Winter is coming
MagicaVoxel - Colosseum
4 Sides Dice
MagicaVoxel - Ancient Tomb
NeoFrag Show - Hushi
NeoFrag Show - Jewel
20 sided dices
Neofrag Show - the Ring
8 sided dice
NeoFrag Show - Vapor
NeoFrag Show - Tesla
6 sided dice
NeoFrag Show - Tetranod
NeoFrag Show - Logo
MeetMat17-Robotic Golem
Today, monkey buisness
Today, pocket full of them.
Today, legendary giraffe
Today, bonsai three.
Today, lost patronus.
Today, lucky or not ?
Today, welcome back my dear friend.
Today, web Sith.
Today, scrambled eggs.
Today, soul, inner fire.
Today, bloody day.
Today, Vegvisir.
Today, the beautbee and the beast.
Today, Halloween !
Today, radish Jacob.
Today, pirate's heart in the abyss.
Today, apple Bouddha.
Today, catmehameha
Today, 2 years
Today, magical cloud
Today, which one you feed.
Today, Brunch
Today, Wood Goat new year !
Today, Big Hero 6.
True Detective mood
Today, Elementary my dear Watson.
Today, blessed mint.
Today, Sherlock Hobbes.
Today, feathery imp.
Today, it's Halloween !
Today, automn.
Today, hipster + Viking = Vikpster
Today, Phasm and Furious
Today, first year.
Lava Falls
Year 2014.
Stars night.
Beware of Baratheon accross the road.
Mudday !
Personnal Igritt.
Sprink breath.
Saint Patrick's day !
Pantheon #2 : RĂ¢.
Mermaids King
Steampunk frog
Wooden horse year.
Musical journey.
Pantheon #1 : Anubis.
The Legend of the Cursed pankake.
Pickle pirate.
You shall not pass.
Friday 13
Uluru's memory
Sweet Night.
Pirate flag.
A Jedi firefox
The messenger
Egyptian cat.
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